Governing Body Vision Statement.
The Governing Body at Crawley Green Infant School CARE for each and every member of the school community. They lead the school with openness, trust, perseverance and having high expectations for all.
Governors will be an ongoing critical friend who will work with school leaders to be Curious through challenge, questioning and support when developing a high quality curriculum and ensuring financial stability.
All stakeholders will be Articulate and honest in modelling the values and ethos of the school. Children, staff and governors will be Resilient in their learning and feel valued and respected within a fully inclusive and positive environment.
We work relentlessly to create a safe and thriving school community who are Engaged and work collaboratively to support everyone to succeed together, ensuring that Crawley Green is the school of choice within the local community.
Welcome to our Governing Body.
The Governors of Crawley Green Infant School are very proud to take an active part in school life. Our aim is to ensure that the children at Crawley Green are able to achieve to the best of their ability, and have a wonderful experience of the school.
The Governing Body works with the senior leaders in the strategic development of the school. They support the Headteacher and staff as well as offering constructive challenge ensuring that the school achieves the very best it can for all pupils.
The core functions of the governing body include, but are not limited to ensuring:
- That the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined.
- That the headteacher performs their responsibilities for the educational performance of the school.
- The sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources
Many Governors have had children attend the school or still have children attending; we therefore can understand parental viewpoints. We are very approachable and more than happy to hear from you about any matters you may wish to discuss.
Governance Role.
As Governors, a critical part of our role is to ensure we develop and maintain strong links with parents, staff and pupils. To support this, we can often be found in and around school, attending meetings and experiencing the many different activities that take place in school. We also try to attend as many school events as we are able.
Governor Benefits.
The role of Governor is carried out on a voluntary basis. As a Governor, you can:
- Gain experience in strategic and financial planning.
- Learn to set aims and objectives to reach your goals.
- Work within a team and learn how to debate and challenge in a supportive way
- Discover more about the UK education system.
You don’t need to be an experienced professional – it’s about attitude as well as expertise. The Governing Body needs skilled people to help them run effectively, but hard and soft skills are needed around the table, such as, problem solving or negotiation as much as specific expertise.
If you would like to join our Governing Body, please contact Michelle Francis-Joseph, Governance Professional or Laura Forgham, Governance Clerk – clerk@crawleygreeninfant.co.uk
To view the latest Governor Role Description, please click on the link below.
Governor Role Description 2024 – 2025
Governance Monitoring.
The Governing Body will monitor in detail areas such as Finance, Personnel, Premises (which includes Health & Safety), the Curriculum and the School Development Plan. We also ensure that legally required policies and documents are held and are available for Staff, Pupils, Governors, Parents and Carers and any visitors to school when and where relevant.
We receive a report from the Headteacher once a term which keeps us up to date with pupil’s academic achievements, school improvements, staffing, attendance, special projects, school life in general and other legally required reports. We support and challenge the Headteacher and make crucial decisions about the school in our Governing Body meetings.
The Department of Education requires the Governing Body to have a number of statutory policies in place at the school. The Governing Body regularly ensures that all relevant school policies are kept up to date and in line with the latest local and national guidance.
A list of all DFE statutory school policies can be found at:
We also ensure that we are aware of what is taking place within the ever changing world of Education and Governance. We do this by attending courses held by the Local Authority and other educational organisations, and by being affiliated to the National Governors Association, The Key for School Leaders and GovernorHub Knowledge.
Governance Links.
Through the Headteacher and Staff, we are kept informed of all aspects of school life. Each Governor is linked to a subject and/or school development area. We have meetings with Key Stage and Subject Leaders to discuss how the National Curriculum is being followed and adapted to meet the needs of our pupils. We meet with the Senior Leadership Team to discuss areas of school development for the future. Link Governors provide feedback from these meetings at the Governing Body meetings. The Link Governor roles are ratified in the autumn term, annually, in line with the School Development Plan.
To view the latest Link Governor Roles, please click on the link below.
Governance Membership.
Our focus is very much the future of the school for the benefit of the pupils. The Governing Body membership is currently 7 Governors and we aim for our governance membership to grow to 15 Governors.
Danny Coppin is our elected Chair of Governing Body and he brings a wealth of corporate and school/trust governance experience to our Governing Body. If you would like to contact our Chair, please email chair@crawleygreeninfant.co.uk
To view the latest Governance Membership, please click on the link below.
Governance Membership 2024-2025
Governance Structure.
The Instrument of Government outlines the constitution of the Governing Body. The Local Authority considers whether it complies with the relevant legal requirements.
The Instrument of Government for Crawley Green Infant School Governing Body was ratified by the Local Authority and it became effective from 1st September 2015.
The Governing Body reviews the document annually to ensure the constitution of the Governing Body remains relevant and meets the needs of the school’s governance.
To view the latest Governance Structure, please click on the link below.
Governance Structure 2024 – 2025
Governance Terms of Reference.
The Governing Body agree the Terms of Reference for the Governing Body and its Committees at least annually. The Terms of Reference outlines the tasks and decision-making powers assigned to a Committee of the Governing Body. The Full Governing Body last ratified the documents at the meeting held on 25th September 2024.
To view the latest Terms of Reference documents, please click on the link below.
Full Governing Body Including Curriculum and Standards Terms of Reference 2024 – 2025
Resources & Finance Committee Terms of Reference 2024 – 2025
Pay Committee Terms of Reference 2024 – 2025
Headteacher’s Appraisal Panel Terms of Reference 2024 – 2025
Governance Committees and Meetings.
The Governing Body meets at least three times per an academic year to consider the strategic aspects impacting the school and the pupils.
Governance Committees.
The Governing Body has delegated duties to three main sub-committees. They are:
- Resources and Finance Committee
- Pay Committee
- Headteacher’s Appraisal Panel
The Resources and Finance Committee meets three times per academic year. The core functions are to oversee and monitor compliance with statutory obligations under School Governance, DfE, Luton Borough Council and Data Protection. This includes the financial performance (value for money) of the school, human resources issues (efficient, effective employment/deployment), premises, health and safety and, general organisation and administration of the school including GDPR, data protection and freedom of information. The Resources and Finance Committee is granted delegated authority to authorise in-year amendments /revisions to the school budget plan, virements between budgetary headings, purchases and contracts in line with the scheme of delegation. The Chair of the Resources and Finance Committee is Paul Munn.
The Pay Committee meets once per academic year, in the autumn term, to assist in setting the school’s pay policy, determine staff remuneration and review the targets for performance related pay. The Chair of the Pay Committee is Danny Coppin.
The Headteacher’s Appraisal Panel meets once per academic year, in the autumn term, to set objectives for the Headteacher, appraise the performance of the Headteacher and assess their performance in the role against the Headteacher Standards and their performance objectives. The Chair of the Headteacher’s Appraisal Panel is Danny Coppin.
There are four Committees that meet on an adhoc basis linked to discipline and appeals for both pupils and staff. At Crawley Green Infant School, these Committees rarely meet but form part of the governance structure.
Curriculum, Standards and School Improvements.
The Full Governing Body plays a crucial role in monitoring the curriculum, standards, and school improvements. They ensure that the curriculum is broad, balanced, and meets the needs of all pupils by regularly reviewing curriculum and school improvement plans. The Governing Body also sets high expectations for academic standards and monitors progress through detailed reports and performance data. They conduct regular visits to the school, engage with staff and students, and review feedback from parents and the community. Additionally, the governing body oversees the implementation of school improvement plans, ensuring that strategic goals are met and that the school continuously strives for excellence. Through these actions, they provide robust accountability and support to the school’s leadership team.
Effective from September 2024, the Governing Body amended their Governance Structure to enable the Full Governing Body to monitor the curriculum, standards and school improvements. The Chair of the Full Governing Body is Danny Coppin.
Governance Meeting Schedule 2024 – 2025
Governance Attendance Register.
The Governing Body keeps track of all governors who attend or are absent from Governance meetings. It is important for the development of the Governing Body that governor absence from meetings is kept to a minimum.
Governors Attendance Register 2023-2024
Governance Register of Pecuniary Interests.
Governors are forbidden from being involved in decision making relating to the purchases by the school of goods and services from themselves, their relatives or any organisation in which they or those close to them have significant interest. The Governance Clerk is required to maintain a register of such interests.
Declaration of Interests is completed annually by all Governors to declare such interests. If interests change, Governors update their Declaration of Interests via the governance portal, GovernorHub.
At every governance meeting, Governors declare as to whether they have any pecuniary interests related to the agenda items listed for the governance meeting.
The Register of Pecuniary Interests was last updated after the FGB Meeting held on 25th September 2024.
Register of Pecuniary Interests 2024 – 2025
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
At our school, the Governing Body is deeply committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. We believe that every pupil, staff member, and visitor should feel valued and respected, regardless of their background or identity. Our policies and practices are designed to eliminate discrimination and foster an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. The Governing Body regularly reviews and updates these policies to ensure they reflect current best practices and legal requirements. We also monitor the implementation of these policies through regular reports and feedback from the school community. By championing equality, diversity, and inclusion, we aim to create a supportive and welcoming atmosphere for all.
To view our Equality Objectives and Policy, click on the link below.
Equality Policy and Objectives 2021 – 2025
Governance Diversity Data.
The Governing Body has agreed to opt out of collecting and publishing diversity data for the Governing Body. A further reviewed will be carried out in the autumn term 2025.
Governance Contact Details.
If you would like to contact a member of our Governing Body, please do so by sending your written correspondence to: Chair of Governing Body, Danny Coppin, C/o Crawley Green Infant School, Beaconsfield, Luton, England, LU2 0RW
Alternatively, you may wish to email:
Danny Coppin, Chair of Governing Body at chair@crawleygreeninfant.co.uk
Michelle Francis-Joseph, Governance Professional or Laura Forgham, Governance Clerk at clerk@crawleygreeninfant.co.uk
Governance Vacancies.
The Governing Body currently has Local Authority Governor and Co-opted Governor vacancies. If you would like to obtain further information on how you can support the school by joining the Governing Body, please contact the Governance Clerk, Laura Forgham at clerk@crawleygreeninfant.co.uk
Parent Governor Election.
We are excited to announce the upcoming election for Parent Governors at our school! This is a wonderful opportunity for parents to become more involved in the decision-making process and contribute to the continuous improvement of our school community. Parent Governors play a crucial role in representing the views of parents, supporting the school’s leadership, and helping to shape the future of our children’s education. We encourage all interested parents to consider standing for election and making a positive impact.
Your participation is highly valued and can make a significant difference!
For more details on how to apply and the election process, please see the documents which will be distributed to parents/carers week commencing 18th November 2024.
Co-opted Governor Appointment.
Co-opted Governors are appointed by the Governing Body of the school based on their skills, experience, and commitment to enhancing the school’s governance. Unlike elected governors, Co-opted Governors are chosen for their specific expertise and ability to contribute to the strategic direction of the school. Their role includes supporting the school’s leadership, ensuring accountability, and helping to set and monitor the school’s policies and objectives. Co-opted Governors bring valuable external perspectives and professional insights, which are crucial for the effective governance and continuous improvement of our school.
If you are interested in becoming a Co-opted Governor or would like more information about the process, please contact Laura Forgham, Governance Clerk at clerk@crawleygreeninfant.co.uk
Your expertise and dedication can make a significant difference in our school community!
Local Authority Governor Appointment.
Local Authority Governors are appointed by the local authority, typically based on their skills, experience, and commitment to supporting the school’s governance. These governors are chosen to bring a broader perspective and ensure that the school is well-connected with the local community and its needs. Their role includes working with the Governing Body to set the strategic direction of the school, ensuring accountability, and monitoring the implementation of policies and objectives. Local Authority Governors also help to ensure that the school meets its statutory obligations and provides the best possible education for all pupils. If you are interested in learning more about the role or the appointment process, please contact Laura Forgham, Governance Clerk at clerk@crawleygreeninfant.co.uk
Your involvement can help strengthen our school’s connection with the wider community and contribute to its success!
Staff Governor Election.
Staff Governors are elected by the school’s staff members to represent their interests and perspectives on the Governing Body. This election process ensures that the voices of those who work directly with pupils are heard in the decision-making process. Staff Governors play a vital role in contributing to the strategic direction of the school, supporting the implementation of policies, and ensuring accountability. They bring valuable insights from their day-to-day experiences, helping to shape policies that directly impact teaching and learning.
For more details on how to apply and the election process, please see the documents which will be distributed to staff week commencing 18th November 2024.