Welcome to Crawley Green Infant School
Crawley Green Infant School is a safe and happy school where children come first. We provide a nurturing, secure environment where children’s individual achievements are recognised and celebrated. We promote a love for learning, developing resilience and independence in all children.
Our C.A.R.E. ethos weaves throughout school life. C represents curiosity and we encourage children to take control of their own learning through asking questions and identifying what they want to know about the world. A is for Articulate and we recognise the importance of using our voice and hearing everyone else’s to support us in and outside of school. Next comes, R for resilience – our curriculum aims to challenge all learners and therefore we teach children how to overcome barriers, be proud of their own abilities and face challenges with confidence. Finally, E represents enjoyment. We recognise children learn best when they are having fun and our staff team works hard to make learning as irresistible as possible.
We hope this gives you a sense of what our school has to offer. We would love to show you around, so please get in touch if you would like to see the school in action.
Mr Ben White and Mrs Gemma Shadbolt